60 Opinion writing prompts (3rd, 4th, 5th, 2nd graders): PDF included

As a responsible parent or teacher, we must guide our kids for better growth. It is very important for kids to develop new skills and improve communication skills at an early age.

One important aspect of better communication skills for students and kids is forming individual opinions. This not only improves communication skills but also helps with IQ growth.

Teachers and parents often get confused when it comes to improving communication skills among students.

In this article, I will help you with some unique opinion prompt ideas for all primary graders, including 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.

I will also include a grade-wise prompt generator to help students and kids explore more opinion prompts. But first, understand what an opinion writing prompts.

What is an opinion writing prompt?

What is an opinion writing prompt? An opinion writing prompt is a question or reasoning that helps express personal viewpoints on a specific topic. It is an entry point to generate ideas and form vivid opinions on a given topic.

It is used by many teachers and parents to guide students to form opinions, develop arguments, and communicate effectively.

We will now look into some popular examples with the list of opinion prompts for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.

15 opinion writing prompts for 3rd graders

  1. Do you think students should have a longer recess time? Why or why not?
  2. Which season do you think is the best? Write about your favorite season and why you like it.
  3. Should every child have a pet at home? Do you think having a pet like a dog is a good idea or not?
  4. What is the best book you have ever read? Write about why other kids should read it.
  5. Do you think kids should have limits on screen time and the hours they spend watching the screen? Explain your opinion.
  6. Is it better to have one best friend or many friends? Explain why?
  7. What is your favorite food? Do you think others should try once?
  8. Explain why museums are interesting places to visit during vacation. Should all schools make it a mandatory trip?
  9. Do you prefer summer or winter? Write about your favourite season and why you like it.
  10. Are video games good for kids? Do you think playing video games is good for learning?
  11. What is your favourite outdoor activity? Why should other students and kids try?
  12. What is your hobby? Do you think your hobby is the best of all?
  13. What’s your favorite dessert? Do you think your dessert is the yummiest?
  14. Which is best, play outside or watch TV indoors? What’s your opinion?
  15. Do you like watching cartoons? If yes, why watching cartoons is fun?

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15 opinion writing prompts for 4th graders

  1. Do schools need to arrange more field trips? Explain the significance of field trips at schools.
  2. Do you believe that school lunches should be served in a healthier canteen? Describe the benefits of eating healthier food.
  3. Should music education be expanded in schools? Write on the significance of music for pupils.
  4. Is it crucial for children to practice frugal spending and save money? Describe the benefits of saving money as a habit.
  5. Do you believe that movies are inferior to books? Write on the benefits of book reading as a habit.
  6. Should playground equipment in schools be improved? Describe the benefits of having a well-designed playground at every school.
  7. Should kids learn a second language in school? Write about why learning another language is a good idea.
  8. Should teachers always assign homework to students? Write about why homework is not always good for learning.
  9. What is your favorite sport? Write about why you think it’s the best sport and other kids must play.
  10. Should kids participate in community service activities? Explain why helping others is important for every child.
  11. Do you think art class is important in school? Why is it important for creativity and learning?
  12. What is your favorite activity to do in (summer/winter/fall/spring)? Write about why this activity is the best.
  13. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Do you think reading books is better than watching movies? Explain the reason for yes or no.
  14. Do you like yoga? Why is it important to do it every day? And, how is it good for one’s health?
  15. Write about why eating nutritious food is important for students. Should all school canteens serve only healthy food?

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15 opinion writing prompts for 5th graders

  1. Should 5th graders be allowed to have their own mobiles at home? Do you think it is important or not?
  2. Are school uniforms required at schools? Write about the pros and cons of wearing school uniforms.
  3. Do you think kids are allowed to use social media? Explain why or why not.
  4. What can kids do to help protect the environment? Write about why it’s important to take care of our planet.
  5. What is your favorite subject in school? Write about why your subject is the best of all.
  6. Do you think schools start later in the morning? Explain why or why not.
  7. Should art education be mandatory to have in school? Why creativity is important for students.
  8. What is your view on having a shorter or longer summer vacation? Explain which is a better choice.
  9. Do you think it’s important for kids to spend more time outdoors? Write about why outdoor activities are good for every kid.
  10. Should schools provide healthier snack options in vending machines? Explain why healthy eating is important for students.
  11. Do you think playing sports is important for kids? Why sports are good for your health?
  12. Do you love reading or writing? Which one do you like and why is it better than the others?
  13. Should classrooms have computers and tablets? Is it a good idea to have more technology in school?
  14. What is your favorite after-school activity? Write about why you enjoy doing it after school. Do you think other kids will also join you?
  15. Do you think it’s important to recycle? Write about why reducing waste is crucial for the environment.

Download PDF for opinion writing prompts for 5th graders

15 opinion writing prompts for 2nd graders

  1. What’s your favorite season? Do you think winter or summer is good?
  2. Which pet is the best? Given a choice between dogs and cats, what would you choose and why?
  3. What is your favorite book? Do you think horror books are bad for a 2nd grader?
  4. If you were given two options—fruits or burger for your lunch what would you choose? Do you think burgers are unhealthy?
  5. What is your favourite toy? Do you think girls’ toys or boys’ toys are better?
  6. Who is your role model? Why do you think he or she is the best?
  7. Which is your favourite subject? Why do you think your friends should also like it?
  8. Whom do you like, mom or dad? Why he or she is good?
  9. How many friends should a 2nd grader have? Is one good friend enough?
  10. What are your favorite snacks? Why should your friends also try them?
  11. How many friends do you have? Why is he or she the best?
  12. Which is your favourite place to visit? Why is it the best place to go?
  13. Do you like ice cream or chocolate? Pick only one and explain why it is better than the others.
  14. Do you love counting numbers? Can you count stars? Why or why not?
  15. Do you have siblings? How many siblings should one have?

Types of Opinion Writing Prompts (with grade-wise examples)

Opinion writing prompts can be of many types and are categorized based on various themes and topics. These themes can set different moods and intensities to form opinions and share their perspective with others.

Based on themes, opinion writing prompts can be categorised into:

1. Animals and Pets Opinion Writing Prompts (with examples for a 3rd Grader)

Opinion prompts related to animals and pets help students form ideas and express thoughts about different feelings attached to animals. These prompts encourage students to form opinions about pet ownership, animal safety, and wildlife conservation.

Examples of Opinion Writing Prompts for a 3rd Grader on Animals and Pets:

  • Should every house owner be a pet owner? Why or why not?
  • Are all zoos the best places for animals?
  • Is it good to pet animals or free them?

2. School Life Opinion Prompts (with examples for a 4th Grader)

Opinion prompts related to school-related topics can be helpful not just for students but also for teachers and parents. The student opinions formed by the school topics can be taken as a suggestion to improve teaching style, work closely with each student, and improve learning environments.

Examples of Opinion Writing Prompts for a 4th Grader on School Life:

  • Should students have homework every day? Why or why not?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Share your opinion.
  • What is the best subject in school? Explain why you enjoy it.

3. Technology and Media (with examples for a 5th Grader)

Topics related to technology and media are very important in today’s world. Tech and media are very relevant topics for the young generation. Prompts related to these topics can be useful to see how these students think about the internet and media.

Examples of Opinion Writing Prompts for a 5th Grader on Technology and Media:

  • Is playing video games good for kids? Share your opinion.
  • Do you think social media is helpful or harmful? What are your thoughts?
  • Should children have their own smartphones or tablets? Why or why not?

4. Nature and Environment

opinion prompts on nature could be important to germinate one responsibility to safeguard our mother nature. Different opinions formed by nature prompts can help guide a student to learn about the environment and nature.

Examples of Opinion Writing Prompts on Nature and Environment:

  • Should we plant more trees in our neighborhood?
  • Share your opinion. Is recycling important?
  • Why or why not? How can we protect endangered animals? Explain your ideas.

5. Sports and Hobbies

Opinions about sports and hobbies allow children to discuss their interests and the benefits of physical activity and fitness. These prompts allow students to learn about fit life by forming different opinions on a given prompt.


  • Should every child learn to play a sport? Explain your viewpoint.
  • What is your favourite hobby, and why do you enjoy it?
  • Is it better to play sports indoors or outdoors? Share your opinion.

There are many other types of opinion prompts that are not possible to cover in a single post. As mentioned earlier, the opinion prompts can vary based on different themes and topics.

Some other popular types are relationship opinion prompts, parenting prompts, vacation prompts, etc.

Final Thought

I think you have gone through all Opinion writing prompts and liked them. We have discussed about the meaning and importance of opinion writing prompts. We have also discussed how it is good for developing communication skills among students.

It is also very important for parents to use these prompts to educate their children it a rightful manner. We have also listed some of the best opinion prompts based on grade.

Prompts are selected based on different grades and s et at the same difficulty level. There are many websites and tools like ours which will help you generate opinion writing prompts randomly.

Our opinion writing prompt generators can be a useful tool for all students and teachers.

Also read: Poetry Prompts Generator

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